AUSGR Privacy
Private Information Removal

Protecting your privacy.
Australian Graffiti Register Pty Ltd (“AUSGR”, “VICGR”, “we”, “our”, “us”) is committed to providing you with the highest levels of customer service and to protecting your privacy. We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”), which sets out several principles concerning the protection of your personal information known as the Australian Privacy Principles. This privacy policy sets out the type of information we collect, how we use it and who we may share it with. It may be amended from time to time and a current version is available here.

About AUSGR.
AUSGR provides information management systems for its subscribers. These are local government, law enforcement, rail and transport infrastructure, community stakeholders and large property owners. We provide the public with a way to record these incidents and report these to the relevant property owners listed above.

What personal information do we collect?
The personal information we collect and store may include your name, phone number, email addresses and details relating to the graffiti incident you report like the address, location, photos you have chosen to upload and information you wish to share about the event. The AUSGR applications may collect information about your location to locate where you are in reference to the graffiti incident you are reporting. This is used to assist us in retrieving proper addressing details to be attached to the incident.

How do we collect personal information?
We only collect information about you directly from you through our application, websites, via the phone, via application forms or when you download and use digital applications. From publicly available sources. From organisations identified under (“When do we disclose your personal information” see below); From our own records of when you visit us online or where we have an online presence, and When we are required by law. This is not an exhaustive list of information we may collect or store as it may depend on the service or product being offered.

How do we use your personal information?
Your personal information may be used to:
Verify your identity;
Provide our services;
Identify you to our subscribers as listed above;
All information regarding a request to remove graffiti is assigned to the organisation responsible for the request. Typically this will be a local government entity like a council. By using this app, the information you report regarding graffiti, including the photos will become the property of the local government entity responsible for the request.

How would we contact you?
AUSGR will only contact you as a part of submission of a graffiti request and/or if you have requested an update to your online details. AUSGR may contact you if we find information that is pertinent to you in relation to the information you have provided regarding an incident. AUSGR will not contact you to promote and market our products or services to you. You may be contacted by one of our subscribers should your request be of interest. You may be asked to provided additional information and you are free to provide this information to that subscriber.

When do we disclose your personal information?
We may disclose your personal information to our subscribers as above, we only do this in relation to providing our services to you and our subscribers or as otherwise set out in this policy. We take all reasonable steps to maintain the security of your personal information and to protect it from unauthorised disclosures. AUSGR has processes in place that require organisations to adhere to confidentiality obligations to protect your personal information. In addition, we may disclose your personal information to: Your authorised representatives or advisers (when requested by you to do so); Government, regulatory authorities and other organisations, as required by law; Organisations who manage our business and corporate strategies.

Disclosure of your personal information outside of Australia
We do not offer our services to any entity outside of Australia. We take active steps to ensure that any overseas entity is not able to access any of your personal information. We will endeavour to update this information to reflect any changes. located organisation we disclose your personal information to complies with the Australian Privacy Principles or is subjected to laws which are substantially similar to the Australian Privacy Principles.

About our application, websites, IP addresses and ‘cookies’
When you visit our application or websites, our web servers record anonymous information such as the time, date, device and URL of the request. This information assists us to improve the structure of our websites and monitor their performance. Sometimes we also use third parties to analyse this information. We may use ‘cookies’ or an equivalent on various websites and applications. A cookie is a small text file that our websites and applications use to store information on your browser or device. Usually, cookies are used so our websites and applications can remember your preferences and improve your online experience. We also use cookies for profiling purposes to tailor our marketing to users’ interests. Sometimes cookies may collect and store personal information about you. We treat this information in the same way as any other personal information you provide. You can adjust your internet browser to disable cookies or to warn you when cookies are being used. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access certain areas or experience the added features offered with the enablement of cookies. We also collect and manage Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and device identifiers – the unique identifiers on your computer or device. It’s used for the purpose of providing internet session management and to detect any misuse or fraudulent activities involving our application and websites.

Third party sites
You may click-through to third party sites from our application or websites, in which case we recommend that you refer to the privacy policy of the third party websites you choose to visit. AUSGR’s privacy policy applies to the AUSGR application and websites only and AUSGR assumes no responsibility for information and content of third party websites.

How accurate is your information?
We take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. However, the accuracy of that information largely depends on the details you give us. Please let us know if there are any errors and keep us up to date with any changes. You can do this via the ‘Edit Profile’ tab of the application.

Access to your personal information and privacy complaints
We take the protection of your privacy very seriously. So if you have any concerns, or you think your personal information is inaccurate or has been handled in a way that doesn’t comply with the Australian Privacy Principles, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. We’ll investigate and respond in writing within 30 days of receiving your complaint.

Private Information Removal
Due to the information that AUSGR holds and the content that we manage, we are only able to sanitise the information you have provided. All personally identifying information about your account will be sanitized so that you will no longer be able to be identified withing our systems. This will mean that:
Any information regarding your account will no longer be identified as you;
Any information regarding graffiti removal requests and photos will remain but, will not be linked to you;
You will no longer be able to access your account information or your account.

Sending a Private Information Removal Request
To initiate a "Private Information Removal Request" you will be required to:
- Send an email to [email protected] requesting your account removal;
- Send the request from the email account you have registered with AUSGR/VICGR;
- Provide a brief description of why you would like your account removed.
Please allow 2-4 working days for your request to be checked and processed.

Further information
You can read more on privacy at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website.